Oh the mood swings. I can't take much more. I was fine, and now I'm not. Not at all. I think I'll just go now. I hate this.
4 Responses
  1. Melanie Says:

    I'm sorry that you had a rough night *hug*

  2. victoria Says:

    I'm sorry. Hugs here too!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    i'm sure you've heard it more than you'd like, but i can relate to you more than any other person i've talked to. i recently found your blog and was encouraged. i will pray for you! i wish there was more i could do! i know how hard it is to have fellow christians say, "just trust God", and other things that you've heard millions of times, but doesn't ease the pain. i find psalm 22, and 142 encouraging because it expresses my emotions when i'm "depressed" and mood swings become overwhelming. feel free to post further prayer requests. i will continue to pray!!!!

  4. JD Says:

    Thinking of you this morning after a long night of prayer for you.

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  • I'm a wife. I'm a mom. I'm a photographer. I'm a lover of Jesus. My house is a mess, my kids are dirty, we eat take out more often than not. My life is loud, busy and crazy. And that's okay with me.

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