Discipline. I don't has it.
So, I was in the shower praying today (you know, because in a house like this it's the only privacy/quiet time you get) and it dawned on me that the one thing I really suck at is discipline.  I start things, and never finish them.  I come up with great ideas, and then fall back on the plans.  I procrastinate like it's nobody's business, and that's really detrimental to my spiritual life.

When I got out of the shower I decided that I would stop right then and do a little Bible study.  Honestly, I was feeling a bit guilty for sleeping til 4 in the afternoon, doing absolutely nothing productive, and taking a hot shower while my husband cooked dinner, but I digress.

I opened up my Bible app on my phone to look something up and at the bottom it was suggesting reading plans for lent.


I love when God pulls stunts like that.  Really, I do.

So I tweeted Stacey and asked her if she'd do lent with me.  I've never done it before, though I'd thought about it.  I just never took the time, or the risk honestly.  I have a thing about failure.  But this year I'm going to do it.

Now from what I understand, Lent is about fasting and prayer and things that take lots of discipline, which I most obviously don't have, to prepare us Christians for the celebration of Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday.  Therefore, the self-denial (fasting) is something that I'd really like to do.  I want to prove that I really can do something if I put my mind to it, and that I really can do anything for God, with Christ.

So without further ado, I announce that for my very first Lent I am giving up all soda and tea.  I can't officially say I'm giving up caffeine because my migraine medicine has caffeine in it, but otherwise, that's basically the point.  This really will be a sacrifice for me, but I know I can do it.

But on top of taking things away for Lent, I also want to add a few things.  For me, after all, it is about discipline and focus.  So I'd like to also say that every day during Lent I will study (not just read) my Bible, and that 3 times a week I will do some sort of exercise.  They say that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so by the time this is all over with, perhaps I'll be able to stick with it!

Your prayers are appreciated, and I encourage you to think about what the up coming season means to you.

Much Love.
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  • I'm a wife. I'm a mom. I'm a photographer. I'm a lover of Jesus. My house is a mess, my kids are dirty, we eat take out more often than not. My life is loud, busy and crazy. And that's okay with me.

    This is Eric, the man you've been praying for. He's a paramedic. He quilts in his spare time. No, I couldn't make that up :) He has NASH (a form of liver disease, non-alcoholic) and diabetes, but those things don't define him. He's a man of God, an insanely wonderful husband, and the best daddy in the world.. Just ask these guys..

    Our daughter Ali, she's 9. She's fiercely opinionated and strong willed. She's a Daddy's girl, but the umbilical cord hasn't but cut from me, either. She's a gymnast, and proud of it. She spends more time upside down or turning flips than she does walking. She's crazy smart, and absolutely sure of it. She is my insufferable little know it all.

    Our son Dylan, 7. We lovingly refer to him as Chubs. Or Chubby. Or fat boy. Ahem. He is all boy, as you can see by his crazy wild energy. He has the highest pain tolerance of any child I have ever met. He plays soccer and does gymnastics, but truly he is a gamer, a nerd. He is an avid reader and loves to climb. Not to be outdone by his sister, he's a drama king, but to him, I'm the best mommy in the world.