So, I was in the shower praying today (you know, because in a house like this it's the only privacy/quiet time you get) and it dawned on me that the one thing I really suck at is discipline. I start things, and never finish them. I come up with great ideas, and then fall back on the plans. I procrastinate like it's nobody's business, and that's really detrimental to my spiritual life.
When I got out of the shower I decided that I would stop right then and do a little Bible study. Honestly, I was feeling a bit guilty for sleeping til 4 in the afternoon, doing absolutely nothing productive, and taking a hot shower while my husband cooked dinner, but I digress.
I opened up my Bible app on my phone to look something up and at the bottom it was suggesting reading plans for lent.
I love when God pulls stunts like that. Really, I do.
So I tweeted Stacey and asked her if she'd do lent with me. I've never done it before, though I'd thought about it. I just never took the time, or the risk honestly. I have a thing about failure. But this year I'm going to do it.
Now from what I understand, Lent is about fasting and prayer and things that take lots of discipline, which I most obviously don't have, to prepare us Christians for the celebration of Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday. Therefore, the self-denial (fasting) is something that I'd really like to do. I want to prove that I really can do something if I put my mind to it, and that I really can do anything for God, with Christ.
So without further ado, I announce that for my very first Lent I am giving up all soda and tea. I can't officially say I'm giving up caffeine because my migraine medicine has caffeine in it, but otherwise, that's basically the point. This really will be a sacrifice for me, but I know I can do it.
But on top of taking things away for Lent, I also want to add a few things. For me, after all, it is about discipline and focus. So I'd like to also say that every day during Lent I will study (not just read) my Bible, and that 3 times a week I will do some sort of exercise. They say that it takes 21 days to form a habit, so by the time this is all over with, perhaps I'll be able to stick with it!
Your prayers are appreciated, and I encourage you to think about what the up coming season means to you.
Much Love.
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