I went to the doctor on Monday and they did a pregnancy test, which was negative. After an exam, the doctor could feel something on the left side of my pelvis, so they decided to do an ultrasound. They used the portable machine, and were having a hard time finding my ovary on the left side. There is definitely no baby in my uterus, and as far as they could tell, no baby in my left tube, either. However she is fairly certain that there is a sizable cyst on the left ovary, bc she was having a hard time finding it, indicating that the cyst was pulling the ovary out of position. I have to go back and have a level II ultrasound done to determine the type of cyst, and to decide what needs to be done.
The pain comes and goes, but when it comes, it is nearly debilitating. I hate it. I'm managing it pretty well, though, so I guess we'll just see what happens. I am hoping it can be resolved without surgery, and that it is indeed just a cyst and nothing else. My grandmother had ovarian cancer at a young age (not this young, but in her 40s) and we have to make sure that that isn't an issue. Usually if it is a cyst they use birth control to shrink the size of the cyst, but I've had issues with that before, so I'm not really sure what to hope for.
Right now I'm still just asking prayers that it is something simple that can be fixed with relatively no problems. Sorry it's taken me a while to update you guys, but I don't have a laptop anymore and I have to pry the desktop from my children's cold dead fingers :D Thanks for all your prayers and support. Love you guys!
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