I was supposed to run yesterday, but I didn't. I vowed to get caught up today, but I didn't. Oh well. Monday is a new day.
I don't think I've blogged since Thanksgiving. I know I blogged about how I was having Thanksgiving with my whole family, but I don't think I blogged about how incredibly amazing it was. We had a great time. We had lunch at the church and played games and just talked and laughed and it was great. Spent a lot of time with my brother, and we laughed and laughed and it felt so good. God is amazing. The kids had fun, too and Ali and Dylan had a couple of friends to hang out with and Anthony had a blast with us buddies, too.
Here's Ali playing Uno with some friends, the little boy attached himself to us, I think he thought Ali was cute.
Here's the teenagers playing some game (I have no idea). They had fun, though, so it must be okay. :)
And this? Well, this is my boy. My sweet, sweet, nearly 14 year old nephew-who-calls-me-mom. I love this kid so much I can't see. I couldn't imagine our lives without him. So thankful for him and the chance we have to have him in our lives.
When we got home we were going to go shopping for Black Friday, but eventually we decided against it. We learned that we could get almost everything online and save nearly as much, without the cold and crazy people. Turned out stuff was selling out online almost as quickly as it would in the store, and we had to check out 3 different times because each time we'd go back something would have sold out, but eventually we got it done. I'm really excited about this Christmas. It's going to be an awesome one, for sure. My two favorite things that we got the kids are this awesome globe and telescope. The globe has a light sensor in it and when the lights go out it lights up from the inside turning the globe into a constellation map. Too cool!

Yes, my kids are absolute nerds and both asked for a telescope and a globe for Christmas. They're also getting a wii and games for them both and such. They're both also getting some movies and a single person tent for each of them, Dylan's a frog and Ali's a Hippo. My mother gives both of the kids a hippo of some sort every Christmas, so now we just have to find Dylan one. There are lots of other little things, too, and they're going to be so excited!
Last night Eric, the kids and I put up our tree. Turned out pretty good, actually. Today we put the rest of the decorations up, and we had dinner out with my parents since Dad is in town, so technically, our Thanksgiving lasted through today. I heart that our family stretches things out like that!
Sorry the pic is so dark, best I could do. Loser, I know :) We did notice that at the bottom of the tree, in the absence of the lights, is the Grinch's face. Idk if you can see it in this picture, but I promise you, it is there!
My mom and I put this Santa together when I was 4 or 5 years old. That means it's nearly 25. That's insane, but I love it!
And this is the new stocking Eric bought me! I love, love, love it so much, I can't even describe!
After we were done the kids played outside and Anthony played with my camera, and as I went out to get them, I saw this...
Great ending to a great day :)
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