My sweet Dylan Robert. Climber of all things climbable. And some things not climbable. You have brought so much excitement and fun into our family. It was on this day 4 years ago that you made your grand entrance into this world, 3 weeks early. All 8lbs 1oz of you and each of your 20.5 inches sucked me in immediately. You amaze me every day. I love you so very much, my sweet boy. Dylan. Dyllie. Dylliebar. Chubs. Chubby. Goober. Princess (don't ask). You will always be Mama's little boy. I have loved watching you change and grow over the last four years, and I look forward to watching you grow and change for the rest of my life. Dylan, I love you, and I always, always will.

Here you are on your first day of life. You came out screaming at 2:32 PM after 15 hours of labor. I couldn't wait to get you into my arms and OUT OF MY BELLY! Like your sister, you immediately had Daddy wrapped around your perfect little fingers.

Here you are on your first birthday! We had to give you a bath to get all of the icing off of you. You were a messy little eater, and so much fun. We rode horses that day, and you ate a very hungry caterpillar :)

On your second birthday, you had acquired a love for trains. You would spend hours upon hours (and you still do) playing with your trains. Here you are with your Daddy getting ready to blow out the candles. I love to see how much you had grown in just a year.

The morning of your 3rd birthday we picked Daddy up from the train station. We had breakfast at iHop bc by then you had become addicted to pancakes. Then off we went to Monkey Joes (where this picture was taken) and you and your sister bounced, slid, and ran your little hearts out. You also got a haircut that day, the first official haircut.

And here you are on your 4th birthday full of spunk and fire. You're a sweetheart when you want to be. You're as stubborn as they come, but you're a full on charmer with the sweetest little smile and captive brown eyes. You're a helper, a lover and a fighter. You love trains, still, and you say you want to be a football player when you grown up. You love your sister, though you fight a lot, and your greatest desire is to see God with your own eyes. I pray that it remains your goal your entire life. I love you my sweet brown eyed boy.

Love you always,
2 Responses
  1. Melanie Says:

    oh court. what a sweet tribute to your handsome little man. He is such a doll and I enjoyed looking at the pics of him through the last 4 yrs. Happy Birthday sweet man! we love you!

  2. Suzanne Says:

    Adorable! How are you doing? I haven't heard drom you in awhile...hope you're okay! :)

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  • I'm a wife. I'm a mom. I'm a photographer. I'm a lover of Jesus. My house is a mess, my kids are dirty, we eat take out more often than not. My life is loud, busy and crazy. And that's okay with me.

    This is Eric, the man you've been praying for. He's a paramedic. He quilts in his spare time. No, I couldn't make that up :) He has NASH (a form of liver disease, non-alcoholic) and diabetes, but those things don't define him. He's a man of God, an insanely wonderful husband, and the best daddy in the world.. Just ask these guys..

    Our daughter Ali, she's 9. She's fiercely opinionated and strong willed. She's a Daddy's girl, but the umbilical cord hasn't but cut from me, either. She's a gymnast, and proud of it. She spends more time upside down or turning flips than she does walking. She's crazy smart, and absolutely sure of it. She is my insufferable little know it all.

    Our son Dylan, 7. We lovingly refer to him as Chubs. Or Chubby. Or fat boy. Ahem. He is all boy, as you can see by his crazy wild energy. He has the highest pain tolerance of any child I have ever met. He plays soccer and does gymnastics, but truly he is a gamer, a nerd. He is an avid reader and loves to climb. Not to be outdone by his sister, he's a drama king, but to him, I'm the best mommy in the world.