Happy Friday, folks!
Friday isn't that big of a deal for me, since it's just another day, however it does mean that I don't have to get up early tomorrow so that is definitely something to look forward to! I jacked Eric's computer while he's gone to get Ali from school. My computer is currently out of order, so or now I'm living on my PSP and cell phone because the dinosaur desktop just frustrates me to no end. Anyhow
We got what I believe to be our last snow Wednesday night. We only got a dusting and it was all gone by noon, but it was nice all the same. They've been forecasting warm weather (you know, 60'sish) for the next week, so I sadly hung my coat in my closet last night, only to wake to 24 degree weather this morning. So much for spring. Not that I'm complaining! Winter is my favorite month, I just wish I'd have gone outside before I dressed Ali for school today. Sigh, oh well. She didn't complain and she just looked so cute! I'm biased though :)
Being the hip hoppin 20 somethin' that I am, we're totally planning on partying hard this fine Friday night. bwahaha. We'll be taking the kids to dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day together because Eric will have to work on Monday. Eric and I started dating 9 years ago on Vday, and got engaged 8 years ago on Vday. It's a pretty special day for us, and this year we've decided to take the kids with us to celebrate since they're such a great result of the last nine years. That and, you know, we don't have a babysitter :D Oh well.
Okay so I've rambled enough. Maybe someday I'll get back into the hang of actually having something worth reading to say. I guess I could start uploading cute pictures of my kids to go with my posts, but they're never around for me to take pics when I'm blogging, so you'll just have to tolerate my ramblings :)
Hey since it's our Vday celebration I'll post a pic of the happy couple. :) That'll work.
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